
Australian animals (Carlos)

Australian animals (Carlos)

hello friends of the nature today i´ll tell to you about some strange australian animals:

The kangaroo: the kangaroo looks like a big big rabbit, it is an autochthonous animal of Australia, he have a big legs, an they allow the kangaroo scroll very fast, when the kangaroo is a baby he live ina bag on the belly of his mum.

The platypus: this is a very very interesting animal he puts eggs but he was a mammal, another curious thing of the platypus is tha he have an poisonous sting on their legs.

The kookaburra: is an australian bird, he apears in the silver coins of australia. Kookaburras are carnivorous. They will eat lizards, snakes, insects, mice, other small birds, and raw meat.

The koala: he only eat eucalyptus,he looks like a teddy bear, the koala has also a bag like the kangaroo

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