Behind the Music - Burned Heaven

Your TV programme wich shows you the real life of your favourite guitarists and bands is comming with a new band called Burned Heaven.
Now, Behind the Music will show you the life, alliances, influences, adictions, and problems that the band Burned Heaven has gone through and the repercussions it has brought to the friendships of the band members and how it has influenced to the music of Burned Heaven.
It will be personal interviews with all members of Burned Heaven and friends, productors, sponsors that have had contact with the band.
Also, we have scenes of moviemakers and special images of concerts. We will show you classic songs of the band... and more! Don’t miss it!
The programme will be broadcast in english class.
>>Behind the Music productions<<
with the collaboration of: Sergie Bald, Raoul Bargain, Henry Blacksmith, Charles Kirk, Marius Mcgüebah Shoat, Joshua Bundy, Lewis Smartass, Nathan Abreu, Paul Parson, Stanley Cahors and Caesar Bolt (mercenaries), Ollie Williams ,Alexander Earning and Suzanne Dove (friends).
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